
Russian Christmas

Christmas Break 116 Christmas Break 120 Christmas Break 121Christmas Break 179Christmas Break 144  coat, borrowed Montclair; leggings, Topshop ; collared silk shirt, H&M ; cableknit sweater, American Apparel

This was a pretty little night when we ventured up to another village for dinner. We ate at a tiny savoyard restaurant but we recovering from the previous nights cheese fondue, foodfoodfood!

This outfit fit right in at this posh ski resort. Montclair is a right of passage and fur is an absolute must. Hard to see in the pictures but the cableknit is a navy blue which accented the cream beautifully. After a day of snowboarding all I want to put on are comfy jammies so this was my in-between. For the most of the stay I dawned cozy sweaters and leggings, nothing complicated. Hats and coats are your best accessory in the mountains!



  1. Gorgeous wintery photos! I adore your cute hat & coat :)

  2. I love your jacket!!

    X Ine


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