
Dressing Up for the Dolls

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shirt, James Pearse ; valour leggings, American Apparel ; tassel sweater, Topshop ; necklaces, Forever 21 ; boots, Browns

Have you ever spent so long deciding what to wear, that everything just looks ridiculous? Nothing matches? Everything looks stupid? Oh and you just feel crappy about the way you look? Hair isn’t right? Etc etc etc. I could go on forever, because everyone has been in this #firstworldproblem before (ya I just hashtagged on a blog, lame). Overall it just sucks. This was one of those nights where I changed a million times… I ended up wearing jeans instead of those leggings…

Moral of my story: I wish wish wish that no one would ever feel that way, it is a whole lot of stress for nothing! We should all feel comfortable and proud in anything. Yes that is mushy but in the end I wish it was true.

Ahh the days of fashion catastrophe.



Kensington Market

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Me: jeans, Urban Outfitters ; flannel, Target ; fur jacket, Vintage ; headband, Topshop   Harry: jeans, Nudie ; flannel, thrifted ; sweater, Holt Renfrew

I have had quite a few questions asking if I dress up Harry in outfits and/or make him wear what I like. This is not the case! He, independent of me, enjoys wearing nice clothes and actually is a total ham for the camera. Yes this is part of the reason we get along, he does not judge me for being lame for having a blog about fashion or for taking two hours to pick just one outfit or taking odd (what I think is) artsy photographs! Anyhow – to clear it up, he’s a stylish kid on his own.

So we went on a journey to Kensington Market, which we both ended up empty handed. I love to go down to find inspiration from timeless gowns, kooky shirts, large rings and silk scarves. I saw so many things that I wanted to bring home but I decided that I didn’t need. This outfit was warm for a cold winter day – nothing is better then a flannel and jeans!



White Inspiration

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Sources: bed and girl in white dress, Chanel S/S 2012 fashion show, White 60s Van, Girl in Tshirt, mountain range is my own photography

I am not sure if it is the recent snow fallings in Toronto or the fact that I am craving white hot sand but white is completely inspiring me. Winter white is one of my favourite things to wear and own. It compliments you and your surrounds. While summer white contrasts golden skin to create an essences of luxury. Cream, off-white, sheets, paper, dirtywhite, lightwhite, snowflakes, pearls and purity.



Snakeskin & Studs

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blazer, stolen from my brother Topman ; shirt, Macy’s; pants,shoes&bag, Topshop

I absolutely lovelovelove these shoes! I fell in love with them the second I saw them… and the fit my weird feet properly. The studs are not overkill but they are badass in their own way. I wish it was warmer in tdot because then I would rock them every day!



Afternoon Elegance

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Harry: corduroy's, Citizens of Humanity ; shirt, Zara ;  sweater&tie, Banana Republic ; blazer,

Afternoon tea at the Savoy. A beautiful service and tradition. I had tea that smelled of roses and too many scones to count!

I am absolutely in love with this velvet blue American Apparel circle skirt! I wore it on new years (sadly not great pictures of that outfit) and a few other times. It is most suited with a lighter colour on top, which can make it limiting, but boy I am still in love. It makes me feel girly and luxurious all at once. Of course the boy jumped at the chance to dress up, looking very dapper in a tie and blazer!



Big Blue Door

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Harry: sweater, Banana Republic ; scarf, Ralph Lauren Polo ; jeans, Nudie Jeans ; hat, Gap

Harry has never been to London we got to have a taste of all the sights once again. On our first morning we visited the Natural History Museum, which is one of my absolute favourites! Then we had a chance to drive around London and see just about everything!

These riding pants have been perfect for travel and ease. They are comfortable, look cute and go with just about everything. Mendocino caries them in several different colours, I want another pair in gray or black! The weather in London was perfect so the boys were able to sport just sweaters during the day. Harry wore my sunglasses… very funny, but looked London chic non-the-less!



London Times

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A spot of tea and Big Ben. Nothing is better then a little shopping time in London. Sales upon sales and more Topshops then I could ever dream of. It is a city of hustle and bustle which doesn’t scare me off - I crave the movement and excitement!

Outfit posts to follow!



Russian Christmas

Christmas Break 116 Christmas Break 120 Christmas Break 121Christmas Break 179Christmas Break 144  coat, borrowed Montclair; leggings, Topshop ; collared silk shirt, H&M ; cableknit sweater, American Apparel

This was a pretty little night when we ventured up to another village for dinner. We ate at a tiny savoyard restaurant but we recovering from the previous nights cheese fondue, foodfoodfood!

This outfit fit right in at this posh ski resort. Montclair is a right of passage and fur is an absolute must. Hard to see in the pictures but the cableknit is a navy blue which accented the cream beautifully. After a day of snowboarding all I want to put on are comfy jammies so this was my in-between. For the most of the stay I dawned cozy sweaters and leggings, nothing complicated. Hats and coats are your best accessory in the mountains!



The French Life

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I have been pretty stingy on the post up keep lately… apologies because it will soon change!

Merry Christmas, Happy Hunnukah and Happy New Year! Better late then never!

Above you will see the most amazing views of my vacation in the French Alps. We spent six days enjoying the snow, cheese and wine without pause. New years was enjoyed listening to outdoor music in the centre of the village and watching fireworks. This week of relaxation evoked no need of resolution or planning for the future, instead we reflected and enjoyed and ate whatever we pleased. I have upheld my one resolution from last year! I promised to post once a week, for the exception of travel and busy time, this goal was reached. I hope everyone enjoyed there winter break and had a happy new year!

What follows will be outfits from the wintery wonderland and from the continuation of my journey to London. Fashion never sleeps, even in subzero temperatures!
