
So Hip it Hurts

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vest, Topshop; oxford, over the rainbow, dress (worn as skirt), Topshop; boots, Miss Selfridges

This was my first day of spring. Every year I have a different start to my spring. Normally it has to do with the clothes I am wearing, for instance any combination between my trustee leather jacket, worn in converse and/or spring dress means very positive things. Like I love winter and all, but I could do with a week or two. Snow is only fun for a little, then it melts, becomes slush and hurts my perfectly good shoes. BUT now it is spring, that day I was wearing my leather jacket, a summer dress and we ate an ice cream! Yes, ladies and gentlemen, ice cream. Its one of my favourite things ever. Its worth every single calorie and each sticky finger – its spring time baby!

This was a daring outfit on my part. I wasn’t feeling the longer skirt thing before – but I liked this. Being in London I felt as though it would be acceptable. They understand this thing called fashion.

I had a lovely day with my friends Sacha and Sam :)

- M

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