My very, very first blog award! I am so psyched to be receiving any sort of mention whatsoever! It is cool that I am actually getting attention for this thrown-together-treasures-and-inspirations of a blog.
I received this award for Shawna from Serpentine Street. She has been the sweetest supporter and has an amazing blog herself – check it out! Essentially this award is passed on through bloggers for those who have under 200 followers. It helps starters/newbies like myself get more traffic and attention for the work that they are sharing. Now that I have received the award I pass it on to 5 bloggers and share 5 facts that my followers wouldn’t know about me!
Thank you to new followers, old supporters and everyone in-between!
Her Persona
Love, Blair
Frills and Freckles
Daily Routine
1. At 17 I am an aunt to many little nieces and nephews
2. I secretly LOVE canoe tripping in Algonquin park
3. I can’t stand wearing make up, the only fun part is putting it on
4. Sometimes I still read Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul….
5. I have a blackberry but I am dying to have an iphone so I can have instagram