
A Sparkly Parrot & Red Purse

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jeans, sweater & purse, Topshop ; jacket, vintage ; boots, ASH

I absolutely love love love this sweater but its often hard to wear/not warm enough. I thoughts for a casual Saturday look I would go with this glam rock thing especially with the pin straight hair. I am literally wearing the make up I had on from the night before, and I hadn’t even brushed my hair.



Wild Tings

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dress, Topshop ; necklace, Accessorize ; lace-up boots, Browns ; (flats that I change into , Topshop)

So that was semi-formal… it really was an amazing time. My legs are still feeling the burn for the amount of dancing that was done! I was wary about the dress at first because it look sorta like I was getting married, but I added the sparkle and dark tights and it went more rock n rock than walking down the aisle. Everyone looked gorgeous for their special night out. I apologize for the lack of actual outfit pictures… I tried to piece together some that would make sense in the end.



Winter love

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One swallow does not make a spring, nor does one fine day. – Aristotle

Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple – Dr. Suess

Education is when you read the fine print. Experience is what you get if you don’t – Pete Seeger

“Weird” itself, even in the dictionary, is just something that is different and unexplainable. A weird is someone who follows their heart. I’m definitely weird, ain’t nothing wrong with that. – Kid Cudi

Photos from a weekend at the cottage. :)



Boring Blah Days

IMG_0317IMG_0319IMG_0320 Sweater, Monoprix ; skirt & boots, unknown

Those blah days of winter *sigh* they never seem to end. But really, Torontonian’s are in this awful rut of winter and spring that seems to be never ending. No jacket seems to be right, boots are only half safe and sweaters are mandatory. My closet is feeling a little blah as well… maybe some spring shopping could be a nice little pick me up! I am definitely craving some pastel colours and shortshorts.
Photo credits to Amy - thanks for snapping these :)



Kids in Love


little girl in glasses, bras&panties, dark hat&cape, tights, leather  jacket, clock, the couple, skeleton girl, in love

My musings on the internet… no purpose nor style. Maybe it has something to do with the valentines day.. or the dreary and cold weather. Nothing particular.

Outfits posts to come – promise!!



Happy Thoughts & Lovely Things


My very, very first blog award! I am so psyched to be receiving any sort of mention whatsoever! It is cool that I am actually getting attention for this thrown-together-treasures-and-inspirations of a blog.

I received this award for Shawna from Serpentine Street. She has been the sweetest supporter and has an amazing blog herself – check it out! Essentially this award is passed on through bloggers for those who have under 200 followers. It helps starters/newbies like myself get more traffic and attention for the work that they are sharing. Now that I have received the award I pass it on to 5 bloggers and share 5 facts that my followers wouldn’t know about me!

Thank you to new followers, old supporters and everyone in-between!

Her Persona 

Love, Blair 

Frills and Freckles


Daily Routine

1. At 17 I am an aunt to many little nieces and nephews

2. I secretly LOVE canoe tripping in Algonquin park

3. I can’t stand wearing make up, the only fun part is putting it on

4. Sometimes I still read Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul….

5. I have a blackberry but I am dying to have an iphone so I can have instagram



All Starred Up


Quote & Girl 1 , Girl 2 , Leggings

As a “fashion blogger” I should be on trend and basically ahead of the them, amiright? No actually, I am ahead, behind and in between. As a student, who doesn’t work, I don’t have time to spend an immense amount of money and time on my wardrobe. The perusing I do on the internet leads me to find the things I like, don’t like and down right LOVE. Most of the time I salivate over the gorgeous gowns and sky high heels and of course both have no practicality in my actually life. Thrift shopping is also part of my fashion repertoire… and that means turning old into new, not always trending.

So TRENDS? Meh they are exciting and fun and super cool, but sometimes you like what you like when you like it. Starry night patterns were sooo Topshops S/S 2011 looks but I am loving it right now. I love how mystical the patterns are, each one can be so unique. Starry skies will always be my weakness, on trend or not.
